Wednesday, October 16, 2002

WS DevCon: Panel

Here are some bits of the panel discussion I had time to jot down (lots of detail missing).

Q: Thoughts on denial of service attack against Web Services?

A: (Noan, Tim, Clemens): There?s no simple answer. SOAP makes such attacks easier to do and harder to protect against. To some extent, DOS is better solved at the network infrastructure level. When the flood of request hits your SOAP server, its probably too late.

Q: Why does Microsoft has two SOAP stacks?

A: (Don, carefully choosing words) Msft will make it really really simple to choose one over the other. [Read this any way you like?]

Q: Any performance metrics that compare Axis against .NET SOAP?

A: (Glen, Don) Axis is much faster than Apache SOAP. .NET Remoting is the fastest tech for distributed apps.

Q: How valuable it is to become Web Services expert?

A: (Don, others) In 5 years WS experts will be as valuable as TCP/IP expects today. Unless you work for msft .net group or other ?plumbing shop? there will not be much opportunity to makes loads of money.

Q: Why don?t we see lots of commercial public WS out there?

A: (Don, Sam, others) MSN will have more consumer oriented with future releases (ex: mappoint) Most of the WS implementation will be done in the context of enterprise in-house developments, which in fact constitutes the majority of current and future software projects.